Quality Policy


We ensure the premium quality and highest purity of guar and guar products freefrom microbiological impurities, chemicals, and additives. We also ensure qualityconsistency in our products from processing to manufacturing, packaging, anddelivery. We have put in place strict quality assurance measures including rigoroussystematic laboratory tests defined for each stage from raw material to the finalproduct.

We assure our clients of guar and guar products for the highest quality, safety andhygiene standards for all the products. To avoid any germ/microorganism growth inguar gum powder, we maintain a strict hygiene standard and cleanliness in ourfacility. From highest grade guar seen to water quality standards and from plantsanitation to latest technology, we ensure to meet and exceed quality standards ateach and every stage of production.

A random sampling of products for scientific testing is carried out periodically ateach stage of manufacturing and processing. All finished products need to get finalapproval from the Quality Assurance Department before being packaged andshipped to clients. We use the latest processing machinery equipped with the latesttechnology for the automated process. We also maintain a rich and well-resourcedR&D facility to absorb the latest technology and experiment with the emergingtechnologies in the market.